The debate of whether or not a pre-rolled spliff is better than smoking direct flowers out of some type of a pipe, or a spliff, blunt, or joint rolled by hand is a subject of which many connoisseurs are more than happy to voice their expertise opinion. And rightfully so, the experienced are used as examples for those who wish to me more than just smart; they choose to be wise.
But the question that beckons to be answered is knowing the difference between smart and wise.
A smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise person learns from the mistakes of others.
How can this help us in our search for an answer to the question of pre-rolls versus raw flower?
Wisdom gives us an insight into learning about an experience without having to endure the consequence of having participating in it. This can also be put into terms of success as well. If someone has a great experience with a certain brand of pre-roll, and can explain their experience in a simple manner, then it is for the listener to decide on whether or not to take their advice based on their experience.
But the final verdict always comes with living the experience. When a person eventually tries a recommended pre-roll or certain type of flower they can now give feedback based on their own experience. This can be added into the experience of others and build a large opinions to varying degrees of which a person can create a picture of what a product might deliver based on reviews.
As far as the pre-roll versus flower in a direct comparison, we would need to add in the different types of diamond infused pre-rolls, rolled in keif, and possibly having some other blends of spectacular herbal suprises for the connoisseur.
But the flower provides a raw look at the get high material. Breaking bud is an experience all in itself. It is a ritual than many have come to say is therapeutic in its practice. The art of rolling is another aspect that favors the flower if a person can roll. For those who are less than average in rolling skills, there various pipes or as we spoke of earlier, the pre-roll phenomena that has taken the industry by storm.
The pre-roll favors the person who doesn’t have time to roll, or sees rolling as an inconvenience instead of manifesting a masterpiece from which to smoke. But the quality of the pre-roll always has to come into question, if it is up to par, then yes, I would agree some pre-rolls are great. But flower has the same dilemma, it might look good, but does it deliver the mental medicine a person may perceive it to contain.
Reviews, our thoughts about those reviews, and eventually personal experience are the necessary steps needed in order to proceed wisely in the wild west world of cannabis dispensaries.
HSP – High Street Press