The varieties of cannabis are amazing, but the structure of this plant itself is astonishing to say the least.
The way pistols grow out of the buds like flames of a sacred fire are just mind blowing to the cannabis enthusiast. Add in the crystals that begin to appear at different stages of bud development and we have something similar to what is depicted in the picture above.
These crystals of mind sugar that look as if they are sprinkled throughout the leaves and empty seed bracts give the effect of a cherries being placed on top of ice cream, like the finishing touch of a masterpiece.
But wait, there’s more.
A wide range of colors begin to tantalize the eyes with different hues of greens and purples. Then there are the changing colors of the buds that continue throughout the cycles of its life even after it’s been picked and begins to cure.
Now of course we bring in the ethereal aromas that cannabis plants possess. They begin to stimulate the senses onto another level of perception.
Sight, smell, and touch are all brought into the equation as the plant is examined in a way that creates a type of relationship between the connoisseur and the creation.
Euphoric recollection is sometimes experienced when familiar smells and sights are encountered which brings memories of past encounters with similar plants.
This brings us to the fourth sense, which would be taste. Whether cannabis is ingested or smoked, a taste can be experienced on so many levels that they continue to expand with growing amount of hybrids being produces. Traces of different types of ancestral mixes can be noticed by the blend of genetic mixtures guided by the breeders.
But once the plant has been smoked or ingested the magic begins to happen. The inner journey takes flight as the medicine reveals itself. This experience brings consumers into mental state that can only be described as euphoria; a place where thoughts can be heard with a bit more clarity.
HSP – High Street Press