What’s Your Choice?
The herbal delights of cannabis can be consumed in many ways. But what would be the preferred method for those who enjoy the benefits of this magical plant?
First, there is the age old method in which the flower is smoked through a pipe or rolled with paper. Then of course there is hashish; this method goes back over a millennium, and is found to have been used by many different cultures of ancient times.
The production of kief and hashish continues up until the present day but has been altered to include extracts such as rosin, shatter, wax, and a multitude of other concentrates. But there is one that seems to stand above the rest in its healing abilities, and that is RSO – Rick Simpson Oil. It is a therapeutic level concentrate and stands tiers above the rest.
These concentrates have also been used to create certain edibles that can be extremely potent according to many people who have tried them. The dosage for edibles usually lets a person know they’ve taken too much only after they’ve taken them. But there are people who prefer the edible method of ingesting cannabis due to the unwanted effects of smoking or vaping.
Then there is the convenience of pre-rolled flowers. These can range from a light euphoric effect to heavy infused joints, blunts, or spliffs that may even be rolled in kief and have pieces of diamond cannabis extract chunks layered throughout.
The vaporizer choice has dramatically risen to a point where almost to more than half of the consumption of legal cannabis is in the form of vaping cannabis oil.
Every type of creation to deliver the effects of cannabis eventually comes down to a preferential choice. Some like the taste of a freshly rolled joint, others use a pipe, and there are those who prefer to eat a treat in order to receive the results they desire.
HSP – High Street Press